DiCaprio, Gosling vagy Keanu Reeves fejet minden fotóra!

joel strongAdott egy szimpla élethelyzet, az lefényképezve többnyire csak szűk baráti körünknek érdekes. Igen ám, de ha az egyik szereplő kap egy fotóból kivágott Leonardo DiCaprio, Keanu Reeves vagy Ryan Gosling fejet, máris nagyon mókássá válik sokunk számára. Joel Strong ezzel szórakozik évek óta, és nekünk is tetszik.
https://instagram.com/mydaywithleo/leo 3
leo 2adam driverleo 4tronok harcakeanu reevesbill+murray+rzaleo 1Gosling

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chase your dreams, ryan. i just want you to be happy. #mydaywithasidejob part 9 (ft. ryan ribbon) 38 lil ryans were made for this shoot. 587 frames made it into the final edit. no lil ryans were harmed during filming. this was a team effort and i would like to thank: @vancityreynolds for sliding into my DMs. @scott.a.weber for being a wonderful body double and holding difficult poses for long stretches! and @eliz_cowperthwaite & @downtowndancefactory for providing us a lovely dance studio to shoot in. @inrhodes for the countless hours you devoted to this project and building these ribbons with me! and @annezeygerman for your editing help! #stopmotion #stopmotionvideo #cutouts #ryanreynolds #ribbondancer

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Jennifer Lawrence sandelrleo 6 Louie 2reszkessetek betorokJon Hamm

pitt és JenniferNicFranco boysnic cage 1 Louie 3keanu

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brad piano

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Nic 2 Louie Mulder Scullyleo 5Tilda

Nic 4robin williamsrichard+pryor+telling+a+joke+to+jay-znic cageLeo and Leo



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